Please use this form when you have completed all 14 hr components AND renewed your license. The provider of your course does not report this information back to us so we can send Code of Ethics completion to NAR. The current cycle for NAR Code of Ethics requirement is 2022-2024.
The state (DBPR) also does not notify us when you have renewed your license. Please let us know your new expiration date so we can update your record in our database.
If you need to check what you need to renew your license, log into www.myfloridalicense.com and sign in to your account. Click your name which will be hyperlinked. From the functions menu, choose "View Continuing Education". This will show the required, completed, and shortfall for that renewal period. You can not apply for renewal until 90 days prior to your renewal date.
Select "View My Continuing Education. Then select the appropriate renewal period if you are looking for completion dates. In order to renew you must be within 90 days of your renewal date and have all requirements completed. Completed courses will be listed under the "Courses" section with the course date.