Florida Realtors Disaster Relief Fund application below
The links for the two applications are here: https://www.floridarealtors.org/about/charities/disaster-relief-fund
Applicants must be a member of the Realtor® family prior to the disaster and whose home or real estate office has sustained serious physical and/or structural damage including but not limited to water intrusion.
The following types of damage may not qualify for assistance from the Disaster Relief Fund: loss of or damage to outbuildings, cars, boats, and recreational vehicles, pool and patio enclosures, pool pumps or pool equipment, blown shingles, personal property, landscaping including downed trees and debris removal, loss of perishable food, fencing, driveways and sidewalks, office signage, other minor damage and loss of income.
Complete all sections of the application. You must include:
· Color photos showing damage (digital preferred) and insurance summary page showing deductible and coverage information; and
· A written assessment from your insurance company and estimate to replace or repair damaged areas; include qualifying repair receipts to date and any additional information which may assist with describing your disaster and subsequent damage.
· Qualifying repair receipts to date and any additional information which may assist with describing your disaster and subsequent damage.
Brokers, two separate applications are required if both your broker office and residence sustained damage and they are not in the same location.
If anyone has questions regarding the completion of the assistance application, please contact Florida Realtors at 407-438-1400 or email drfclaims@floridarealtors.org.
Yes, I filed or am filing