2025 Leadership Academy Application

Please complete this application if you are interested in being considered for the 2025 Leadership Academy. Please return the application no later than December 1st. Interviews will be held on Dec 17th and 19th at BER from 9 am -1 pm by appointment.  Applicants will be notified on December 20th.   Please make sure that the following dates will work with your schedule and you save them to your calendar.  We do track attendance!!!  Note:  Dates are subject to change.


Dec 17 & 19               Applicant Interviews

Dec 20                       Applicants Notified

Jan 15                       Introductory Module

Feb 5                         Retreat (Full day)

Feb 26                       Module 2    

March 12                   Raisin Cane Sugar Tour  (7:30 am to 3:30 pm - Bus goes to Clewiston and back)

Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 9 am to 1 pm – Most meetings will be held off-site and occasionally modules may run long.  Carpooling is encouraged.  Dates are subject to change.           

March 26                   Module 3

April 23                      Module 4        

May 7                        Module 5        

May 28                      Module 6        

June 2                       Module 7        

June 11                     Module 8        

July 2                        Module 9

July 23                      Module 10

Aug 13                      Module 11

Aug 27-28                 Florida Realtors Convention & Expo                

Sept 3                       Module 12

Sept 24                     Module 13

Oct 22                       Module 14

Nov 21                      Graduation

*Class project and community outreach project may be held on a Saturday.  Date TBD.  Other modules may be added on if needed.

Fields marked with an * are required.

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Those who wish to have their own room will pay half of the room expense.  BER will cover the cost 100% for those who share (not including incidentals). You will be able to get to know those in the group several months prior to the convention.   

Member Information


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Note any boards, networking groups, etc.  Indicate dates of involvement and positions held if applicable.

Please indicate any volunteer projects or groups, chambers, etc.  Please indicate the organization, dates of involvement and position held if applicable.

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Requirements of the Leadership Academy Program

1.  Commit to attending the program classes.   Attendance is defined as full session.  Early out or late arrival will be counted as an absence.  Any absence should be approved in advance. You will be ineligible to graduate if you miss more than 2 classes. The optional classes will count as extra credit for you.  

2. If you are not currently involved on a Bonita-Springs Estero REALTORS® Committee, you hereby agree to regular and consistent committee involvement commencing with the conclusion of this program.

3. You will be strongly encouraged/required to attend Florida Realtors Expo and Convention. The board will pay for hotel costs (room share) and may or may not provide transportation.  

4. You will be required to participate in a Leadership Development Class Project which must be approved by the Leadership Committee. This will have a community service component and will require additional time outside of the scheduled modules to work on planning and logistics.  

6. You will be required to attend a pre-selection interview.

7.  The cost to join the Leadership Academy is $200.  This includes your shirt, name tag, and registration to Florida Realtors Expo & Convention.  This is to be paid by the introductory module.  

8.  If employed by an affiliate company, real estate admin or real estate team, please make sure that you have communicated with your employer to make sure that they are aware of your schedule and the sponsorship cost of $500 (affiliates only) to participate in the academy.  Marketing perks included. 

9.  You are required to complete C2EX, Fairhaven, & Leadership100 at no cost at nar.realtor prior to graduation. 

Yes - I agree to the terms of participation
No - I do not agree and understand I will not be considered

I understand the purpose of Bonita Springs-Estero REALTORS® Leadership Academy and if I am selected, I will devote the time and resources necessary to complete the program. 

I understand that attendance at the Florida Realtors Expo & Convention is highly recommended, and I am expected at each session in order to graduate from the program; if I need to miss a session it is my responsibility to contact the chairperson prior to the session that will be missed. A maximum of two sessions may be excused. If a third session is missed or I quit, I understand that I will not graduate from the program, and I will be expected to reimburse Bonita Springs-Estero REALTORS® for all expenses incurred on my behalf.  

I understand that completion of this application does not guarantee a candidate’s acceptance into the Bonita Springs-Estero REALTORS® Leadership Academy. 

All applicants will be notified of their status on or about December 15th.

I agree to these conditions and am committed to attend and participate in all program sessions: